Welcome to Swift AI Deliveries

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08:00 - 18:00

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Swift AI Deliveries offers both in-country and over-seas warehousing of over 800,000 square meters for customers goods either in transit or for long term warehousing, we operate a varied range of facilities in different locations depending on the market requirements. With Swift AI Deliveries network of partners, we maintain major warehouses in Houston, USA servicing North America, Antwerp, Belgium servicing Europe, HongKong and China servicing the Middle East/ Asia and India servicing Indian Subcontinent.

Swift AI Deliveries warehousing activities is done in compliance with best global practices designed for valued customers to enjoy hygienic, secured and safe warehousing environment in line with the focus of our Health, Safety, Security and the Environment (HSSE) policies. Swift AI Deliveries warehousing infrastructures are backed by professional logistics and distribution capabilities to facilitate local, regional or international distribution. Across our integrated global network, our local stations renders logistics support to ALL shippers’ requirements.

